Ñ I don't like the interface / I'd like batch processing
The interface in 1.0 version has changed; anyway, the easiest (and faster) way to use MacGzip is using the Drag&Drop mode.
Read the Finder Help Balloon of MacGzip to find out about modifier keys.
About Batch processing, remember; although File menus are disabled while MacGzip is working, you still can drop files on it.
Ñ What should I put in the 'gzip suffix' preference?
My advice is to not check the 'Use custom suffix' option.
Anyway; if you want to expand frequently one member .zip files or VMS .gz;1 files, you should check also the 'only when decompressing' box.
Ñ What is the meaning of 'ASCII' compression/decompression?
-a --ascii
Ascii text mode: convert end-of-lines using local con-
ventions. This option is supported only on some non-
Unix systems.
let's have the ASCII file 'pc.txt' on an DOS machine
we can make:
gzip -c pc.txt > pc.gz
gzip -ca pc.txt > pca.gz
then, we put these files in our mac and:
gzip 'uncompress' 'binary' of pc.gz gives us a file with EOL=<CR><LF> (bad)
gzip 'uncompress' 'binary' of pca.gz gives us a file with EOL=<LF> (bad)
gzip 'uncompress' 'ascii' of pc.gz gives us a file with EOL=<CR><CR> (bad)
gzip 'uncompress' 'ascii' of pca.gz gives us a file with EOL=<CR> (good!)
Ñ My Mac-dhqx-application does not recognice gunziped files.
A file with .hqx suffix IS A TEXT FILE; so it should be uncompressed in ASCII mode. This not only will put 'Macintosh end-of-lines' (which shouldn't make any difference to your debinhexer), but also will set the type of the resulting file to 'TEXT'.
Anyway; if you have gunziped your foo.hqx in binary mode; you can use 'StuffIt Expander', since (in Drag&Drop mode) it eats any kind of file.
Ñ What is the meaning of 'binary' in the mode pop-up menu?
Binary means that you get a file which is exactly the same file (byte by byte) which was compressed; you should use this option for any non-text file (If you want to keep the resources and all the Macintosh information, you should use MacBinary; Internet Config can select the mode automatically for you)
If you don't know anything about Mac info and resources, please, read the 'File Formats' document.
If you uncompress a binary file (like a file.tar.gz or a file.tif.gz) in ASCII mode; you will loose the file.
If you uncompress a text file (like a file.hqx.gz or a text.gz) in binary mode; you can recover the file in several ways.
Ñ MacGzip reports a CRC error!
This error appears when the file is corrupted or, most frequently, when the file has been incorrectly transferred
Gziped files ARE PURE BINARIES. (raw data, binary, not MacBinary nor ASCII)
When you download a gif file; you set your communications software in binary mode; do the same with gziped files.
If you don't know how to do this, please, read 'Configuring Network Software'
Ñ Can I use MacGzip to unzip .zip files with more than one file zipped
in it?
No, you can't
This is from 'gzip.doc' in 'GNU docs' folder:
Files created by zip can be uncompressed by gzip only if
they have a single member compressed with the 'deflation'
method. This feature is only intended to help conversion of
tar.zip files to the tar.gz format. To extract zip files
with several members, use unzip instead of gunzip.
On a Mac, you can use Zip It 1.11
Ñ Can I use MacGzip to create Unix compress .Z files?
No, you can't
And if you put a .Z in 'custom suffix' preference all you'll have is gzip files with .Z suffix (which compress won't be able to expand...)
Ñ What about the meaning of life?
1. life \'li-f\ \'li-vz\ n or lives [ME lif, fr. OE li-f; akin to OE
libban to live - more a] pl t LIVE 1a: the quality that
distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body or
purely chemical matter 1b1: the state of a material complex or
individual characterized by the capacity to perform certain
functional activities including metabolism, growth, and reproduction
1b2: a specific aspect of the process of living {sex ~} 2: the
sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the
existence of an individual 3: BIOGRAPHY 4: spiritual existence
transcending physical death 5a: the duration of an earthly existence
5b: a specific phase of earthly existence {adult ~} 5c: a sentence of
imprisonment for the remaining portion of a convict's existence 6: a
way or manner of living 7: LIVELIHOOD 8: a vital or living being;
specif : PERSON 9: an animating and shaping force or principle 10:
ANIMATION, SPIRIT {eyes full of ~} 11: the form or pattern of
something existing in reality {painted from ~} 12: the period of
usefulness of something {~ of a car} 13: the period of existence (as
of a subatomic particle) 14: a property of an inanimate substance or
object resembling the animate quality of a living being {~ of a bow}
15: living beings (as of a particular kind or environment) {forest ~}
16a: human activities 16b: animate activity and movement {stirrings of
~} 18: another chance given to one likely to lose cap, Christian